The second edition of Desree’s debut pamphlet with Burning Eye Books, I Find My Strength In Simple Things, is a tribute to growth, chaos and relationships. A homage to her dearest spoken word performances, it is littered with QR codes for direct access to see the performances that made her. Here, the speaker invites us to care, to explore, to find our strength with her, using not only thought provoking one liners, but her incredible stage presence. An amalgamation of the political, the funny and the heartbreak, Desree will have you laughing and crying as she reminds you that the hardships of this human experience is a universal one.
The second edition of Desree’s debut pamphlet with Burning Eye Books, I Find My Strength In Simple Things, is a tribute to growth, chaos and relationships. A homage to her dearest spoken word performances, it is littered with QR codes for direct access to see the performances that made her. Here, the speaker invites us to care, to explore, to find our strength with her, using not only thought provoking one liners, but her incredible stage presence. An amalgamation of the political, the funny and the heartbreak, Desree will have you laughing and crying as she reminds you that the hardships of this human experience is a universal one.
The second edition of Desree’s debut pamphlet with Burning Eye Books, I Find My Strength In Simple Things, is a tribute to growth, chaos and relationships. A homage to her dearest spoken word performances, it is littered with QR codes for direct access to see the performances that made her. Here, the speaker invites us to care, to explore, to find our strength with her, using not only thought provoking one liners, but her incredible stage presence. An amalgamation of the political, the funny and the heartbreak, Desree will have you laughing and crying as she reminds you that the hardships of this human experience is a universal one.